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Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem. [vc_empty_space height="10px"]
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Sacramental Preparation

Sara Elizabeth Centre / Programs  / School Retreats / Sacramental Preparation

Fostering spiritual and personal growth in young people

At SEC we invite each student into the fullness of the Spirit as they come together to reflect with their friends, deepen their faith and strengthen their bond with God and with each other.
Our aim is to help students spend some quality time with God and to guide them to the awareness of the presence of God in their lives through a variety of Spiritual retreat activities that are adapted to fit each group.
Our retreats for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Holy Communion, integrates the students in a way that engages them in the rich experiences of Catholic symbols and ritual.
Each Sacramental retreat complements the catechesis offered by the school and follows the Ministry curriculum.

  • Some of our Spiritual retreat topics are;
  • Created in the Image of God
  • Growing in Christ
  • Community Service
  • Thinking Outside the Box
  • Healthy Relationships